BCNA's online network is an active online peer-to-peer support community, providing people affected by breast cancer with a safe space to connect with others, share stories or ask for advice
Have you recently been diagnosed with breast cancer? Share your story, find more information and support here.
BCNA’s Online Network is a safe place to discuss how COVID-19 may be impacting you and to draw on the support of BCNA’s online community members. Another resource is our COVID-19 Podcast Series which can be found in BCNA’s My Journey Online Tool.
Want to share with others the highs and lows of survivorship? Post here about the ongoing emotional, physical, practical and social challenges of survivorship (and the good bits too!)
Community Moderator Messages. Want some information on how to get stated on BCNA's online community? You can find here the 'Community Guidelines' which explain the expectations and responsibilities of members and the role of moderators and 'Navigating the Online Community' which assists members with the practicalities of getting started on line and posting. Happy posting!
Share your experiences about living with metastatic breast cancer. Please note, this discussion will be in the main discussion forum. To join the private ‘Living with metastatic breast cancer’ group, go to the Group tab above, choose 'Living with metastatic breast cancer' group, click join.
This space is on coping with difficult emotions, recovery, sex, fertility, getting active and feeling well.
Inspiration, motivation, movies, gardening, hobbies, furry friends – this is the place to talk about life in general. Includes Creative Corner & Night Howls.
A space for partners, family, and friends to connect. Share tips on supporting a loved one and seek support for your own wellbeing.
News and updates from BCNA and its members. Find out what's happenning at BCNA and in your area. Groups can announce their events here.
New to the community? Start here. Introduce yourself, find new members, information about how the online network works and give us suggestions on how to make it better. Post here if it doesn't belong anywhere else.
Offering compassionate and practical support when you need it most
Hi everyone! Following up on my previous post, I’d like to invite you to participate in a PhD research study being conducted by Tina-Maree Newlan of Charles Sturt University on artistic tattooing of breast-cancer mastectomy scars. The study aims to investigate the experiences of women who have had breast cancer mastectomy…
My Facebook page is coming up with wills done for free for over 60s. Are these legit? I don’t want to be scammed on what little I have for my family.
We’re thrilled to let you know that we are launching a new-look Online Network platform that will be easier-to-navigate and enhance your experience with us, while still allowing you to connect with others going through a similar breast cancer experience. So that our team are able to migrate your information over to the…
Diagnosed week before Xmas I have grade 2 breast cancer, 5 tumours removed so far, starting chemo in next week or 2 for 6 months, then having full mastectomy after that, I want to know if anyone has brought cold caps which ones would u recommend or the companies that hire, who is the best I live in qld I have long hair and…
Hi all, I live in Geelong. I'm 41. Single mum to a 13yo son, co-parent 50%. I was diagnosed with DCIS estrogen+ on the 14th Feb. Luckily is stage 0, which eases my worries a bit. My mum and sister had stage 2, and they are in remission. So this gives me hope and keeps me positive. I am not scared of the surgery or…
I recently attended Omico's 'Cancer and Genomics Webinar' which I found insightful. The webinar is now available to watch on demand—whether you missed it, want to revisit key insights, or share it with others who may benefit: Webinar Recording What’s Covered in the Webinar: ✔️ The role of precision oncology and CGP in…
Hi ladies, Many of you may be familiar with the YWCA ENCORE program. ENCORE is a FREE eight week program designed specifically for women who have experienced breast cancer at any time in their life. Incorporating exercises, relaxation techniques and information. It is safe, fun and therapeutic. The exercise program is…
Hello Pink Sisters I had DIEP surgery late last year and will be undergoing phase 2 in a few months. I can’t help but be frustrated by the back fat pockets that have appeared since surgery. My diet is well balanced and I regularly exercise. I’m hoping it’s not because I’m getting old and saggy. My surgeon said he wouldn’t…
A very warm welcome to our newest Online Network members: @sapi @rsaracho @Mumof2teenswithMets @Beth5000 @CBS @TATA24 @Michelle444 @Kateus @SmallSteps @Meadow @Callie @Ma72R @mummyof3 @jesst6 @cheese0202 @Savvy @Noni @KateV @Suzy11xyz @Elephant @Buddy2019 @ksia @L57125010 @lauraj @Andrina @netnay14 @sinfantino @SusanR…
Hello everyone, Following on from the amazing birthday list that was started by @socoda, thank you very much! Im calling out to all our members to let us know your birthday. We love an online celebration and on the day you will receive a virtual birthday cake that we can all share! No need to include the year you were born…
Approximately 10% of women have high breast density. At this point in time, thousands of Australian women are being denied important information about their breast health which could empower them to better understand and manage their risk of breast cancer. BCNA’s Director of Policy, Advocacy and Support Services, Vicki…
It looks like you’re new here. BCNA’s online network is a supportive and safe community for people affected by breast cancer. Sign in or register to get started.
My Journey, accessible online, provides high quality, evidence-based information and insights from others diagnosed with breast cancer.